Women's Self-Defense Boston

Corporate Training & Consultancy

Corporate Self-Defense Seminars & Training

Women's Self Defense Corporate Training Programs In Boston An organization’s most important assets are its employees. Having a fear and stress-free workforce increases productivity and helps retention. Even whilst members of a company may feel safe at work, their commute to and from work, and their leisure time, may not offer them the same security etc. Whilst learning how to physically defend yourself is an important and relevant skill, learning and recalling/remembering physical techniques, and developing skills etc., takes time and effort. What can be taught faster, and doesn’t involve developing physical fighting abilities, is the self-protection/personal safety piece of the self-defense equation: the ability to predict, prevent and identify violence before it occurs. In terms of personal safety, increasing a person’s ability to predict and identify the phases and stages that occur before the physical conflict is a much more valuable and profitable venture than a one-off physical self-defense seminar. These presentations can be delivered virtually or in-person and involve the explanation of how different types of violence occur, and how they can be prevented from escalating to a physical confrontation, either by identifying the preliminary stages and/or using de-escalation and conflict resolution tactics.

Corporate Women's Self Defense Training In Boston Our approach to personal safety and self-defense, is not to repeat the tired and obvious pieces of "good advice" such as "don't walk down dark alleys", "always keep your purse close to you" etc. that everyone is aware of - and yet rarely follows. Instead, we teach a much more empowering and realistic approach to self-protection and personal safety, which is based upon making dynamic risk-assessments of real-life situations. To do this we explain and educate, about the various ways that violent situations develop, and the timelines on which such incidents occur. Our researched and evidentially based approach looks at the common processes that predatory individuals use, and how because such processes pass through stages there are key indicators that can be used to predict how an incident is developing. We then teach the most effective ways to respond when in each stage. Even if an organization is looking to provide hands-on, physical self-defense training, we recommend that members are first presented with this information, as without it, it is unlikely that any physical solution taught will be effective, because when dealing with violence context is important, and without understanding the different contexts within which violent incidents play out, getting a physical solution to work is highly unlikely.

All of our programs are designed by Gershon Ben Keren, a criminologist, who has been working in the security industry as a trainer and operative since 1990. All of our courses and programs, whether they involve general personal safety, travel-security, active shooter training, workplace safety (hiring and firing etc.), are evidentially based, and are founded on peer-reviewed research, rather than the firsthand experiences of one person. If you would like to look at bringing this type of training to your organization (possibly as part of sexual assault awareness month, please use the form below to contact us.

Corporate Enquiry Form

Please fill out the form below, and a representative will get back to you shortly, to discuss your training and/or consultancy needs.

Women's Self Defense Boston Location

SEPS Women's Self-Defense Boston, is located, at the following address, just North of Boston off of I-93 North (exit 30) and I-95 South (exit 54).

SEPS Women's Self-Defense Boston Address

SEPS Women's Self-Defense Boston Map