Women's Self-Defense Boston

Free Online Self-Defense Training

Free Online Self-Defense Program

Free Online Self-Defense Course Structure

Foundations Of Self-Defense

This free online course, looks at different areas of personal safety and self-defense, in relation to women's self-defense. This course in both comprehensive and in-depth, and looks at the motivations of predatory individuals and the methods that they use.

Although there are specific types of violence that we must be aware of and educated to, there are also general principles regarding personal safety that we should be aware of and adhere to. In this section of the site we look at the general concepts and principles upon which the SEPS (Situation Effective Protection System) are founded.

Read more about the foundations of women's self-protection by clicking here.

Rape & Sexual Assaults

This component introduces the student to the way that sexual predators and rapists behave and act, including how they go through the process of targets and victim selection and how they gain access to these targets. This session is not overly concerned with the different types/categories of sexual predators but with the practical measures that can be taken so an individual can take the preventative measures that will stop them being identified as a target. Students will also be introduced to the "Pre-Violence Indicators" that allow them to identify the behaviors and actions of would be sexual predators.

Read more abouts rapists and sexual predators by clicking here.

Predicting & Identiying Abusive Relationships

Prevention is far better than a cure, and students are introduced to the warning signs that mark out potentially abusive partners (emotional and phsysical) who may when ex-partners later go on to be stalkers. It may be that students are in the early stages of a relationship and will identify these signals in their partner, or it may be that they are trying to exit a relationship and these warning signs will be something that they can relate to and reinforce their case for leaving (it is not the aim of this information to offer advice on how to leave an abusive partner or resolve an abusive relationship).

This is not "dating advice" but how to identify those individuals who may cause emotional and physical abuse when in a relationship. With the majority of violence against women being committed by those who know them thei is an oft neglected but very important aspect of female personal safety.

Read more about abusive relationships by clicking here

Stalkers & Stalking

Stalking is a strange crime because it is determined by the way the victim/target perceives another person's actions and behaviors, rather than by those actions themselves. A person can make continuous phone calls, send emails, have gifts and packages delivered to another, and as long as that person doesn't feel at risk from these actions or mind them happening they should not be defined as stalking. When these actions and behaviors form a campaign, which causes the target/recipient of them to fear for/consider their personal safety then the term "stalking" can be applied. It is important to note that it is a string of activities committed over time rather than odd isolated incidents, which really define stalking.

There are many different types of stalkers, defined by their relationship status with their target e.g. they can be strangers, acquaintances and people we've had previous intimate relationships with. The majority of women who are stalked are not celebrities, and have had a previous reletionship with their stalker. This informattion looks at defining terms and practical measures that can be taken to prevent stalking and to deal with it if it occurs.

Read more about Stalkers & Stalking by clicking here.

Defensive Sprays (Pepper Spray)

In 2015 Massachusetts, allowed the purchasing and carrying of defensive sprays (Pepper, OC, CS, Mace etc), without the need for an FID license. Pepper Sprays are one of the most useful defensive weapons to carry and use. They are non-lethal, unlike firearms, and so are much more likely to be used and deployed in a real-life situation; many people who carry firearms hesitate to use them for fear of the legal consequences, if they were to kill somebody - this is such a low risk with these defensive sprays, that are recognized as being non-lethal in nature.

Whilst they are simple to use there are some common mistakes that people usually make when both purchasing and deploying them. This seminar aims to deal with and rectify these mistakes and misunderstandings. Particpants will be introduced to the different types of sprays available, along with the relative merits of each, and will practice deploying them with inert units. This class is a full 60 minutes of the practical applications of these defensive sprays.

Read more about Defensive Sprays by clicking here.

Date & Acquaintance Rape

This information looks at personal safety when in a variety of social settings such as bars, pubs and clubs, as well as at parties and other social/public gatherings both at private and public venues. Rather than just looking at self-protection when in these settings this information will also look at safety issues around being out at night in general. This information will also focus in on date and acquaintance rape, and look at detection, avoidance and preventative measures that can be taken to avoid becoming the victim of such an assault.

This information looks at sexual predators and applies it to a distinct type of sexual assault.

Read more about Date & Acquaintance Rape by clicking here

Managing Fear & Adrenaline

When we are placed in potentially dangerous situations our fear system kicks in and we become adrenalized. This cocktail of chemicals and hormones improves certain of our abilities and functions e.g. we become more tolerant to pain etc. and reduces others - we lose our peripheral vision and get tunnel vision etc. Most people rarely experience these sensations and so when they do they often panic or freeze. In this information we look at how to control the body's natural responses to fear and how to work with them in order to maximize their positive effects and improve our survival chances.

Read more about Fear and Adrenal Training by clicking here.

Women's Self Defense Boston Location

SEPS Women's Self-Defense Boston, is located, at the following address, just North of Boston off of I-93 North (exit 30) and I-95 South (exit 54).

SEPS Women's Self-Defense Boston Address

SEPS Women's Self-Defense Boston Map